Go For The Goal!
Goals are important because they give us something to aim for. They also give us a way to measure our progress. To be effective, your goals must be guided by something that really inspires you. If you have a vision of what your life will look like after you achieve your goals, you will be better prepared to overcome the setbacks and challenges that you will run into.
These guidelines are intended to get you started on the road to success. Many studies have shown that the majority of very successful people have set goals and refer back to them often. Good Luck!
- The difference between a “wish” and a “goal” is that goals are written down.
- You are more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down, constantly update them, and refer back to them often (daily, weekly, monthly)
- Goals must be S-M-A-R-T
Specific – How many, when, how, transaction size, etc.
Measurable – Instead of “Make more Money” go for “I will close 2 transaction sides per month in the next 12 months.”
A Challenge – If you did 10 transactions last year, set your goal for 16 this year, not 4. You must try to stretch a little out of your comfort zone. (unless your challenge is to increase your transaction size!)
Realistic – If you have never sold a house before, 50 in your first year is not very probable.
Trackable – You must have a way to tell if you’ve succeeded in reaching your goals.
An example of a well-written goal would be: I will close 2 transaction sides per month (24 total) with an average transaction size of $300,000.
- Make your goals your own, not your parents’, spouse’s, or peers’.
- Do not compare your goals to somebody else’s; we are all working toward different ends.
- Break each of your goals into easy to handle chunks. What is the first thing I must do to get started on this goal? What is the second? Third? and so on. By breaking it down into small, easy steps, you won’t feel overwhelmed and give up in frustration. Remember, The easiest way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time!
- Keep in mind, goals are not only more or better material items. Your goal may be to learn to enjoy what or who you already have. Your goal also may not be more money, it may be the same amount of money but with fewer hours invested.
- Do not share your goals with everyone you know. People who don’t understand your business may try to discourage you. Network with like-minded people and you will all accomplish more.
Homework Assignment: Sit down in a private place and try to write at least one well-worded goal in each of the following areas:
- Health
- Personal Relationships
- Family Relationships
- Spirituality
- Career
- Salary/Earnings
- Education
- Financial Assets
- Home
- Travel
- Hobbies
- Stress Management
Remember…opportunities are never lost…
somebody will take the ones you don’t!
p.s. I’ve used a “Power Planning” form form for many years both for myself and my employees & students. Below are the links to both a Realtor version and a Mortgage Professional version… I hope they help you get a grasp on your business and where you want to go in 2014! Leave a comment below!